Thursday, May 22, 2014

Beginning my journey into life

I left Italy and entered the service of the Duke of Milan in 1482. I spent about 17 years in Milan, leaving only after Duke Ludovico Sforza fell from power in 1482. During these years did I hit my stride, learning new things and exploring different areas of science and reaching artistic achievement. Between 1482 and 1490 I produced numerous ideas. Topics from nature, flying machines, geometry, mechanics, municipal construction, canals and architecture. I came up with questions and answers to those questions and questions left unanswered and unexplained. All our knowledge is the offspring of our perceptions.”  At the time, my studies mostly pertaining to designs for advanced weapons. I also, proudly, produced my first anatomical studies. My workshop was full of apprentices and students.  
My interests were so broad that I could hardly finish what I started, often compelled by new subjects. In 17 years, I managed to complete 6 works in those years, like “The last supper” and “The virgin on the rocks”. Many artworks and other projects left untouched. I would often go outside and observe or cut up bodies pondering about the anatomy.

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