Thursday, May 22, 2014

Quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci

The worst evil which can befall the artist is that his work should appear good in his own eyes.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life

If the thing loved is base, the lover becomes base.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life

Virtue is our true wealth and the true reward of its possessor; it cannot be lost, it never deserts us until life leaves us.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life

When fortune comes seize her in front firmly, because behind she is bald.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life

There is nothing which deceives us as much as our own judgement.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life

A natural action is accomplished in the briefest manner.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life

Men wrongly lament the flight of time, blaming it for being too swift; they do not perceive that its passage is sufficiently long, but a good memory, which nature has given to us, causes things long past to seem present.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life

We should not desire the impossible.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life


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